then stagnated the literature in the brasil
but it stayed the images and the sounds of those "censured/tortured"
in the literature today, nor critical of art we have -
if some writes, it is political (Pasquim) and always fence
with a lot of citations (alibis) - nobody wants to give a mortal jump
in this horror circus
and irony, one of the poets tropicalistas that wrote
Panis Et Circenses (bread and circus) with music of the MUTANTES
he is the cultural representative of current government's of "hunger zero"
and we continued cultural anthropophagous poor
a desert in the table, and without dessert.
2 - the marginal poet
Artaud said that "is necessary to end with the obra-prima"
but he also questioned the poet's social usefulness.
We can reach the circulation of a "best-seller" (???)
reproducing one-for-one, and distributing of hand-to-hand the
our art, through the different reproduction techniques.
Woodcut, machines of reproduction of paper impression.
But us until we can create stamps with potatoes...
Then an art changes in more other art - a banquet!
About artist's books: See Glauco Mattoso
(*) the teachers know the difference among
school x curriculum and their institutional limits
and a school is a school, a school, as a school
(with apples and roses)...
(**) the neoconcretism says much more today than at that time,
the art of the concretists developed for more than 30 years
while the neoconcretism, as movement, almost lived 3 years.
(***) MUTANTES - it is the group musical revolutionary tropicalista
that to create his music, it also opted to build yours
instruments and equipments, as the poets that abandoned
the paper, the pen and they escaped from the school. ;)
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